June 25, 2009

Hot Stuff :-o

Hellooooo Sexyyyy! ;D

A Rant:

Summer course started and the sun is not a pleasant force of nature to accommodate that. But this isn’t a post regarding our delightful weather here in Kuwait. No, I just feel this incredible need to express my deepest most painful disappointment towards the scarcity of books worth reading in Kuwait. I went to Virgin “mega” store with a friend to look for some new books to read and I found nothing! The book section was pathetic and the very little books they had were heart breakingly boring!

I just finished reading The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I wasn’t exactly hooked when I first started reading it, but after a few chapters it turned out to be really good. Meyer is a hell of a writer, no doubt there.

Enough with all the drama. For now.. ;D

Mass Destruction:

I went to the shooting range with some friends, and it was AWESOME! It’s my first time and I’m planning to do it more often. I’ve always been a fan of explosions and weapons that shoot you dead, so you can say that it was paradise to the Skittz! The feel of the gun in my hand was sexy. The thrilling sound of the bullets as they jolt through the air is adrenaline pumping! You feel like you’re in control, which is just HOT!

A Question:

After being hooked on a show or a book, do you feel like you miss the characters after you finish watching or reading? If not, never mind then. :$

A Laugh:

Nyahahahahahahahahahahaaahoooheee!!!! :-o :-o :-o

And finally, some delicious songs:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

10 Bootie Shakes!:

Charmbracelet said...

i liked the host..muu wyiid tho..
yea sometimes i mis the chaaracters and wish i never finished it !=O =P ur normal dont worry hun=* =P

Arabzy said...

ive never held a gun n never will..

the feeling itself is terrifying!

u can end a life by just a pull..


and that it one hell of a laugh xD


i sorta liked it xD

Anonymous said...

T7ammast 3la The Host. I never thought about reading it.. lol I can't imagine Steph write anything other than Twilight series :D


And yes LOL I do miss the characters ;p

Bliss said...

The Kite Runner is amazing, totally recommend reading it.
I've got alot of books laying on my shelves, bs madri eash feeni faj2a ma sert at7ammas and get enthusiastic to read like i used to :S it's so sad.
I really should get back to the old bookworm me!

daddies little cuttie said...

looool i kinda like the feeling of a gun in my hand too :P its kinda nice


Candy said...

ana ba3ad abaaa shooting <_<

wain 3endkum bel Kuwait? is it in club mathalan for shooting or where

suspic said...

LOL which characters do you miss? =O

rencontrer Pauline said...

wtf LoL weapons, girl its painfull as hell:(:P oh yea virgin mega store become boring in kuwait:( Yeah I guess I feel missing characters:P

skittles said...

I didn't like i much when i first read it, but Meyer's vast imagination fascinated me!

LOL eee shkait eb 3umri ana! I thought feni shy 9ra7a :$

That is exactly wut makes it so damn exciting! highly recommended ya roon!

nyahaahahahahahoooheehaaaa! just for you and only you! ;D

I recommend it 9ra7a, but that is only if you're into Sci-fi.


That makes me feel much better. :$

I read the Kite Runner, it's a really good book I agree. BUT, i didnt miss the characters so i guess i wasn't exactly hooked. :-o

It is beyond nice! It's thrilling!!!

Walla 3jeeeb! you should definitely try it! oo yeah it's a shooting club where you can go, choose he weapon you'd like to use, and show'em hell baby!!

KILHOM! but I missed Edward and Bella wayid when I first finished the Twilight Saga, and now I miss the host's characters. :$

oo sometimes after being really hooked on a show, I miss the characters too. :$

skittles said...

[Another Pen]
Are you kidding me?! It's so amazing pen, you should really try it!

Virgin SUCK! They should close it down!

LOL I'm so glad a lot of ppl do! I thought it was just me :$