September 24, 2009

hello dear

Dear world, here's to you.

Dear love, come out come out wherever you are.

Dear Anouk, you've got one hell of a voice!

Dear sexy ppl, wussuuuuuup? ;D

8 Bootie Shakes!:

Arabzy said...


loved the second one!

=) she does have a nice voice.

n u got a great taste in music =D

^.^ *High five 4 the song!

added to my play-list..

Im doing good.. el7amdllah..

something major is happening in my life..

dont noe if its gona escalate to something or end up to nothing

bas ed3eeeellllyyy!!

=D inshallah something, inshallah!

H said...

hey sexay ;*

miss u !!!!

and my blog misses u too ;p
how was Eid ?

H said...

heeeeeeeey sexaaay ;*

miss u ;*

n my blog miss u too ;*

xoxo, H

skittles said...

*high fives sexy Roon*

Thanx babe ;D

yaaaa raaaaab! inshaaallah you'll get wut you want ;***

[Simple G]
sexyyyy G! 5la9 that's wut i'm gonna call you! ;D

miss ya more babe!

3id was... hmmm.. wut's the right word... crowded! ;D

Charmbracelet said...

i looved the second song ! awal mara asm3 feeha !
Walla am doing good ya 7lwa mdam ur doin good =*

skittles said...

I knooow! 7adha 3jeeba! you get right into the mood when listening to it!

sexy ya ppl, sexy N! ;***

Ahmed said...

I love Modern World <3

skittles said...

it is a great song. Nice to have you back, dude!