Unplanned and spontaneous events totally trump planned and routines, don’t you think?
Speaking of spontaneous, how creepy is spontaneous combustion in humans?! I mean, I’m all about hotness but exploding into flames without an actual external cause is just gruesome!
13 Bootie Shakes!:
I don't get it :( im dumb :Pp
you're not dump, you're just overwhelmed with my sexiness. haha!
I dont get it either
Expecting many roses tomorrow?
It's as simple as this: surprises are more exhilarating than routines!
oh definitely! loads and loads :-o
This post about spontaneous combustion is kind of spontaneous.
That, my friend, is because I like sexy, and spontaneous is definitely sexaaay. woohoo!
lol wts wrong :s bs i liked the pic ;p
LOL so random... spontaneous combustion scares me *unsure face*
Nothing's wrong, just old random moi! ;D
[Texan Teen]
yeah! i'm telling you! fire is hot but that is just not right. :-o
I was always boggled by this,"spontaneous combustion," kinda thing. I've known about this, since I was a teen. Subhana'Allah may Allah keep us safe ameen...
LoooL 7lwa mnch:p
haha, i have my ways
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