I read in the newspaper today that the rates of adultery, divorce, diseases, and bastards will increase if segregation is not applied! Is that how they see us, kuwaities?!! Animals!!?
Why can't they look at the matter from a diffirent aspect?
And come on lets face it, If they do segregate schools and colleges, then what will happen to those, who have never had contact with the other sex, in the bigger society!?
I'm sorry, but integrated campuses are not "byooot da3aara"! Coz this is how "jam3iyat el e9la7" is presenting it.
As I see it, if they want to segregate schools, the least they should do is give us the choice. We should have both, segregated & integrated schools. As a matter of fact i think we already do. So just give us the damn right to choose what we see best for us!
5 Bootie Shakes!:
is the segregation promoted by the so-called religious ppl?
Some of them are dirty minded so they think everyone is like them :/
yeah as a matter of fact, it is!
i still cant believe the excuses they're using to promote seregation.
hey..i must admit i didnt read the post but once i saw that ur sign is saggitarious i had to comment!
cuz mine is toooo whohoo
i actually believe in this abraj crap lol :$
There are other sagittariuses in this world :o
thank you GOD!
hehehe.. welcome ro my BLOG!
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