February 19, 2008


After reading Oreo’s question about the marriage thing, you know.. that if a girl is 16 or 17 , would she be too young to marry, a lot of marriage and love questions just popped into my head! Oh and especially the age thing. What does marriage have to do with love.. or age? @@

Its like, is there the perfect age to marry.. or to experience love?

And what abt the age difference.. does it even matter :-O

No really, I’m asking !!!?

You got me really confused Oreo chick :-O

Help is needed for this dysfunctional heart to function normally! Ok .. ok..

Not normally… I’m fine with just functioning.

8 Bootie Shakes!:

Anonymous said...

It's not about a certain perfect age , it's about when they're ready to take responsibilities .. and for me , girls in their 16's can't do that ..
other thing , the age difference does matter . well you can't throw 21 years old girl with someone in her grandfather's age , right ?
unless there's a kind of understanding or something ..
anyway , we can't make one specific rule because people vary a lot in these manners if you know what i mean ..

Taqo said...

Age doesn't really matter, I guess...It just become a bit freaky when the age difference is TOO big =/
I guess it's because nowadays we associate it with pedophilia, lol.

Dr. Phil once said the 35 is the most proper/best age for marriage. LOL :|

skittles said...

yeah i do know what you mean.. sometimes i think it all depends on personalitites, and wether they clash or go along just well enough to keep the fire burning!

oh please taqo :o i cant wait 'til 35 to fall in love, if prince charming doesn't come knocking on my door right away, i'll go on dr. phill and tell him that he's nothing but an old bum with alot of money.. :o
ugh! its all too confusing!!

vampyress said...

when two people fall in love and are compatible on all /most of the levels. then they are ready to get married. having babies is a totally different thing of course :/

age difference is not important. in fact, it can be an advantage sometimes if it's around 10-15 years

if you over-think these things..ur gonna loose it cuz nothing in life makes sense anyways ;)

SwaRwaR said...

when the girl is ummm ready to marry i mean she really wants to change her life and umm take responsibilities so she marries :S
but the age thing is so important for the couple,so they can share the same or nearly the same ideaz ....
whenever i see a 18-19-20 year married young lady, i pity her ..
:S even though she's happy ...

skittles said...

Vamp & Swarwar..
you guys are total opposites!

I agree with Vamp here..

"age difference is not important. in fact, it can be an advantage sometimes if it's around 10-15 year..
if you over-think these things..ur gonna loose it cuz nothing in life makes sense anyways ;)"

swarwar :0 this could be true.. but again it could not!

"the age thing is so important for the couple,so they can share the same or nearly the same ideaz ...."

i cant see why u would pitty someone who's happy!

"whenever i see a 18-19-20 year married young lady, i pity her ..
:S even though she's happy ..."

but i'd really like to know, why?

phoenix said...

Being a sixteen year old, I see myself TOO YOUNG to marry. Personally I'd like to setup my career and be able to fully depend on my self before I do on a man. And no, there is no "perfect age" for marriage Just like there's no "perfect scale" for beauty. I mean it differs from one person to another depending on their culture, parents, beliefs, and way of life

But then again, Thats only one opinion.

skittles said...

you make perfect sense!