February 4, 2008

Good People

Good people are hard to find… Therefore, best friends are needles in hay stacks.

6 Bootie Shakes!:

Desert-Roses said...

I don't know how but I kept reading needles as noodles for a while :p

I like that saying...

you know all my true best female friends are called fatema
when I talk about a one, ppl ask me which one!!?? in the end with too much which one..I end up saying: ooohhhhhhhh
stop asking me..:P

The first one is my cuzin, and the other I knew from high school, while the last one is from college...
and you know what I found too?
It was hard to gather them all together...trust me they don't match..eee o kelhom as same as my age..bs I am still older than all of them, You see the one who I knew in high school ??!! she was born at the same day I was born in but still am older with hours :p

Hope you enjoyed reading that !! :D

vampyress said...

so true

suspic said...


skittles said...
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skittles said...

you know whats even funnier.. most of MY friendz are Fa6mas :o

*sigh* yeah.. unfortunately.

@@! shokran a5ee fee allaaaah.

Unknown said...

hahhahash....good one!
don't feel alone!!!