So this is the 10 honest things abt moi tag. I’ve been tagged by Bliss.
1. I’m a chocoholic.
2. I can get really crazy when I’m hyper.
3. I sound like a drunk when I’m sleepy.
4. I’m outgoing.
5. I’m all abt nail polish! I love weird colors!
6. I’m sensitive. I sometimes take things too personally.
7. I’m an emotional person. I’m strong emotionally tho.. I’m not sure if these two clash :-o
8. I’ve been told that I’m a geek many many times.
9. I’m not so bright when it comes to relatives.
10. I have a thing for bracelets. I think I’m addicted :$
And this is the Butterfly Award thingy. I’ve been chosen by Bliss and Candy.
And the Butterfly Awards go to:
1. Bliss.. sensitive, mature, sweet as ever.
2. Charmbracelet.. speaks her own mind and not ashamed of it.
3. Candy.. talkative, LOL. really friendly.
4. Disturbed stranger.. an incredible writer, smart, a really sweet girl.
5. Jouja.. a7is 3indaha leadership, 3indich mostaqbal Jouja :-o
6. Pinkish.. I dont know her very well, but she seems friendly and kinda shy.
7. Meemz.. you cant help but love her! :*
8. Mr.Cookie.. such a good person.
9. Atoona.. God she's so friendly! you cant help but adore her walla.
10. Libro Anima.. Love her sense of humor!